EURECOM teaches a Master's program ("Diplôme National de Master") in Computer Science, fully accredited by the French State.
The teaching is done 100% in English.
Research-oriented students may apply for doctoral studies in France or abroad after completion of the program.
Since 2006, more than 250 students from 40 nationalities have been enrolled in a Master's program at EURECOM, with successful career outcomes after graduation in France and abroad in international companies.
Watch a WEBINAR about EURECOM's teaching programs and environment.
- Master in Data Science
- Master in Digital Security
- Organisation of the curriculum:
The curriculum is made of lectures and seminars, applied sessions in laboratories and supervised projects. Technical courses are balanced with soft skills courses in management, entrepreneurship, law to gain a competitive edge on the job market.
EURECOM's Master's degrees rely on a very Hands-On approach as they include exercices of practical application (lab sessions), supervised projects and a 5 to 6-month paid professional internship in a company or lab. Guest speakers from the industry and visits to nearby corporate sites offer a valuable insight into relevant industrial topics.
The duration of the Master degrees at EURECOM is 24 months (4 semesters).
- Language of Teaching:
The curriculum is 100% taught in English. Also, French classes will be compulsory during your stay at EURECOM, the obtention of a A2certification being needed to obtain the degree.
- Career Preparation:
Throughout the year, EURECOM helps students to prepare for their future job search by organising thematic workshops (writing a compelling CV/ motivation letter/ interview preparation) and Job/Internship fairs where students get to meet HR recruiters face to face.
Academic Regulations:
For more details about the organisation of courses and credit distributions, please refer to the DEGREE POLICY.
Each semester is made of several Teaching Units, including a certain number of credits to achieve. If the Teaching Unit includes more than 2 courses, it means that students can freely choose the courses within the constraints of the schedule as some courses may overlap.
- 3 or 4 years Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Network and Telecommunications or related fields
- Certified Level in English B2 (TOEIC : 750 ; TOEFL ITP : 547; TOEFL IBT : 78 ; IELTS : 6.0). A proficiency test is required for Non native Speakers.
A set number of credits are granted for each type of course (classes, project or professional thesis).
To receive credits, students need to take an examination and obtain at least 10/20. The grading scale for the courses is as follows:
- A+ = 18 - 20 OUTSTANDING
- A = 16 - <18 EXCELLENT
- B = 14 - <16 VERY GOOD
- C = 12 - <14 GOOD
- D = 11 - <12 SATISFACTORY
- E = 10 - <11 PASSABLE
- F = 0 - <10 NOT VALID
If your grade is minimum 10 and above, you get the maximum number of credit allocated to the course. Grade 0 to 9.5 means you have not passed the examination and you do not get any credit. Examinations can be retaken during a specific period.
The final grade of the course can be based on a final examination, or it can be based on a combination of a final examination and course work. At the beginning of each course, professors explain how students will be evaluated. Students have to register to each specific course at the beginning of each term to be able to take the examination. All information will be delivered during the "Welcome Day" before the start of each term.
Since 2019, EURECOM’s master degree students have the opportunity to spend the 2nd year of their MsC in one of our member universities and get a double degree. For now, EURECOM has signed double degree agreements with Aalto University (in Mobile Computing Systems and Data Science), Chalmers (Mobile Computing Systems) and Czech Technical University (in Mobile Computing Systems and Internet of Things). New agreements with other members should be signed soon.
If a master student of EURECOM is interested in applying to one of our double degree master program, it is fundamental to contact EURECOM’s department of international relations on arrival (during the 1st semester) to be informed about the requirements and deadlines. The Double degree master program is exclusively open to students who follow a 4-semester master program in IoT, Mobile Computing or Data Science.
The selection of the candidates will be launched during the 1st semester of the master and is based on previous academic background, motivation and the average grade of the first academic year at EURECOM (a minimum grade in some technical courses can be required). Please note that it is mandatory to validate the 60 ECTS of the 1st year to be eligible. The final decision is taken by the host institution in accordance with the coordinator of the Master.
Applicants are also invited to consult the FAQ section of the website.